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The Analyze tabs: Channels, Campaigns, Content, and Journeys
The Analyze tabs: Channels, Campaigns, Content, and Journeys

An in-depth guide to the different Analyze tabs

Dor Lahav avatar
Written by Dor Lahav
Updated over a week ago

The “Analyze” page empowers you to independently analyze your data. While the “Overview” tab gives you quick insights into your historical costs and performance, the additional Analyze tabs offer granular and unique marketing insights.

This article will walk you though the Channels, Campaigns, Content, and Journeys tabs to help you uncover the impact of any marketing activity, across various KPIs.

Let's get started.

“Time frame” and “Attribution model”

At the top right corner of any tab in the "Analyze" section, you can use the Time Frame dropdown menu to set the time frame that you wish to analyze. Using the three dots at the right-hand corner you can customize your attribution model to your liking.

***By default, the attribution model will be set to Full Journey - InfiniGrow’s proprietary data-driven model.**

***Please note that regardless of which tab you are in, once you define a time frame and an attribution model, the data across all tabs will use the selected model and time frame***

Not sure what attribution model is best for you? check out our intro to attribution models article.

The Channels Tab

Analyze the impact of your marketing channels, identify top-performing channels, and find optimization opportunities.

Start by choosing a conversion goal and setting your timeframe.

Once a conversion goal has been chosen, you’ll be able to see the top contributing channel (which channel had the most impact on your chosen metric), the most efficient channel (which channel has the lowest cost per result), and the fastest channel (which channel has the fastest velocity between funnel stages).

Right below, you can analyze marketing channels by these three parameters - Impact, Efficiency, and velocity.

  • See which channels are the top performers, per business goal

  • See how channels trend over time

The Channel Impact Analysis Table

The “Channel Impact Analysis” table gives you an in-depth look into the performance of your channels - from top-level cost data and all the way to revenue contribution.

  1. Choose a Funnel Stage: you can toggle between funnel stages to uncover insights per funnel stage. In the example above, we chose to view Opportunity metrics.

  2. Cost: the investment per channel, during the selected time frame.

  3. Touched [funnel stage]: The number of, for example, opportunities, that have a marketing touchpoint anywhere on their journey.

  4. Attributed [funnel stage]: The number of, for example, opportunities, that have been attributed to marketing via the selected attribution model.

  5. Efficiency: Channel cost, divided by the number of Attributed [funnel stage]. This calculation will give you the true cost per result for the selected channel.

  6. Funnel stage velocity: the time it takes for a prospect to transition between the previous funnel stage and the selected funnel stage.

  7. Pipeline (or revenue) - in the Opportunity and Customer stages, you’ll see several custom metrics based on the stage. Here, you’ll see the amount of pipeline that is attributed to the channel.

“Top Conversion Journeys” Module

The Conversion journeys module allows you to see how different combinations of channels and content pieces perform together.

You can determine which content pieces should be promoted in which channels and which channels complement one another.

On the right side, you can see the relationships between different activities toward your selected funnel stage’s conversion. This enables you to understand your top-performing journeys for any given conversion goal.

On the left, you can see the top conversion journeys that combine marketing channels and content.

* A similar module is available under the "Analyze" tab, Under "Campaigns", you can access the same information, but for campaign combinations, instead of channels.

The Campaigns and Content Tabs

Using both the Campaigns and Content tabs, you can go beyond channel analysis and explore how your campaigns and content pieces drive impact.

Similarly to Channels, the tabs are located under the “Analyze” section as shown in the image below.

The Campaigns tab displays similar information to the Channels tab, but does so from a campaign-level perspective, rather than a channel-level perspective.

However, the Content tab presents the business impact of each individual content piece (e.g., a video, case study, or a blog post), allowing you to make better decisions about what content to produce in the future and what content to actively promote.

  1. Start by choosing a conversion goal to focus on the metric you care about the most.

  2. Content Influenced Revenue is the amount of revenue (in your chosen time frame) that was generated through journeys that had content touchpoints, anywhere along the journey.

  3. Impact on [conversion goal]: the percent of, for example, Opportunities, which were influenced by content, out of the total number of opportunities.

The Journeys Tab

So far, we covered the Channels, Campaigns and Content tabs, which contain various tools to help you analyze your marketing activities.

But let’s take a step back for a second to understand how InfiniGrow is able to provide these types of analyses. To answer questions like “which channels drive revenue” we first need to structure your data into journeys.

When your data is modelled as a customer journey, we can apply attribution model to the various touchpoints in each journey and understand how each touchpoint contributed to revenue or pipeline generation. Only then, we can aggregate data across your journeys to provide channel, campaign, or content level insights.

The Journeys tab gives you clear visibility into each and every one of your customer journeys.

You can search for specific journeys to drill down into a specific customer or a prospect.

For each journey, you can see any touch-point across online and offline assets, from the first exposure to your brand all the way to the latest payment—or any other data point to date.

Please note that just like all other tabs in the Analyze page, the data that you see in the Journeys tab is determined by the time frame that you choose. This table shows you all journeys that had at least one touchpoint within the selected timeframe.

Learn more about the journeys tab here.


Since there can be thousands of journeys in a given period, we allow you to filter your data easily. Just click the "Filter" button next to the search bar. Simply click the button to filter the table to only show data that you are interested in seeing.

Not sure how to filter? check our A to Z guide on Filters

The Audiences table

Each row in the Audiences table gives you an overview of each contact, as shown in the image below.

  1. The contact’s name and email

  2. The channel’s that were part of the contact’s journey

  3. The current funnel stage

  4. In which country the journey occur

  5. The date of the first touch

  6. The date of the last touch

  7. From which type of devices the touchpoints occurred

Click the row to view the contact’s profile, as shown in the image below.

Each profile shows a visualization of your contact’s journey and consolidates all touchpoints to enable you to pull meaningful insights.

  1. You can hover over each touchpoint or other points of data to see data on a more granular level

  2. This is a direct link to the profile of this specific contact in your own CRM

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