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Understanding InfiniGrow - Most common Q&A
Understanding InfiniGrow - Most common Q&A

InfiniGrow's concepts and answers to common questions you may have.

Dan Carmel avatar
Written by Dan Carmel
Updated over a week ago

InfiniGrow was designed to help you make better, faster business decisions by helping you understand the revenue impact of every marketing investment.

To achieve this magnificent goal, InfiniGrow is built in a slightly different way from other platforms you may have used before.

For you to really enjoy everything InfiniGrow has to offer, you've got to understand InfiniGrow - InfiniGrow’s thinking process and data layers.

Below are InfiniGrow's concepts you should know, as well as some answers to common questions you may have.

What is an account journey and why is it important?

InfiniGrow unifies all of your marketing, sales, and financial data (from your CRM, ad platforms, and online website visits) into account journeys.

Funnel transitions, deals, and touchpoints of stakeholders from the same company are connected and consolidated into one account journey.

The Journeys tab shows the result of this consolidation process.

Based on the chosen attribution model, each touchpoint on the journey is assigned the attributed impact it had on a funnel transition.

InfiniGrow aggregates all journeys into Channels, Campaigns, and content views so you can analyze the performance and revenue impact of every marketing activity.

Q: How does this relate to the number I see in Analyze tabs?

A: Analyze's tabs represent different layers of data. In the Journeys tab, you can view each individual journey and the touchpoints it had along the way - it’s the granular view.

Channels, Campaigns, and Content are the aggregate views of the journey tab. Each tab represents different data layers:

  • Channels - where did the prospect come from?

  • Campaigns - what campaign is the source of the interaction?

  • Content - what pages and assets did your prospect consume after reaching your website through a channel?

In those tabs, the numbers represent the sum of interactions each channel, for example, had across all journeys.

The Overview tab provides a high level summary of your performance. All the data here is also based on the journeys from the journeys tab.

Common questions:

Q: How do you connect users and deals into an account?

A: InfinGrow uses a few layers to connect users to accounts, like CRM associations, email domains, etc. Read about the full process.

What is journey analysis?

Data in your account is based on account journeys, which changes the way you can analyze data. With journey analysis, you can gain a new perspective on the impact marketing activities had on driving new revenue. This type of analysis takes into account all the touchpoints an account had before a funnel transition.

When analyzing new customers from the past month, is it enough to analyze only the touchpoints that took place during the past month?

Probably not.

A B2B customer journey is typically a few months long, so you'd like to also analyze how efforts across the entire journey impacted the transition.

This is what makes journey analysis so powerful - the ability to understand how every part of the journey affected results, over time. InfiniGrow's journey analysis considers all touchpoints throughout the journey regardless of the timeframe. The timeframe determines which accounts are included in the analysis, the dataset.

What is the dataset that is used for analysis?

For any given timeframe, InfinGrow will include in the dataset any account that had a funnel transition during the selected period.

Let’s break this down -

The first step in the Analyze section is to select a timeframe.

After selecting it, InfiniGrow will bring back all accounts that had funnel transitions during that period.

Those accounts' data are the dataset for your analysis, and you can see each account's journey under the journeys tab.

Next, InfiniGrow will aggregate these journeys so you can analyze channels, campaigns, and content (each one in the designated tab).

In other words, you see and analyze the data from all touchpoints that lead to the funnel transitions in your selected timeframe.

Common questions:

Q: What about touchpoints that occur after a funnel transition?

A: The dataset for the analysis is determined by funnel transitions, not touchpoints. As touchpoints after the transition didn't impact the transition, they won't be included in the attribution calculation. They will still appear in the account journey view, and they will be included in the next transition’s calculation.

Q: What about touchpoints that occur before the selected timeframe?

A: In the attribution calculation, touchpoints that impacted the transition are “given” with attribution credit, regardless of the timeframe. The timeframe determines which journeys will be analyzed, and touchpoints from those journeys will be included in the data you see on the Analyze tabs.

Let’s use AZ Technology Inc.’s journey as an example:

This journey has two touchpoints: The first is SEO in September, and the second is LinkedIn ads in October. A new lead is created after the second touchpoint.

If your analysis timeframe was September, this journey would not appear because no transitions occurred during September.

If you set the timeframe to October, you'll see this lead transition and attribution credit divided between SEO and LinkedIn ads.

How InifniGrow’s attribution works?

Attribution modeling is a method of assigning credit to marketing touchpoints that contribute to a conversion. Attribution helps to better understand the role that each touchpoint played in the conversion.

InfiniGrow allows you to analyze the impact each channel, campaign, or content piece had on any funnel transition.

For example, let’s say you want to know the impact Linkedin Ads had on SQLs in the previous quarter.

  1. InfiniGrow will look for accounts that transitioned to SQL stage during the previous quarter - the dataset for last quarter's SQL analysis.

  2. According to the chosen attribution model, InfiniGrow will assign credit for each touchpoint in the journey, the credit summing up to 1 credit point for each SQL transition for each account.

  3. The credit from all accounts is aggregated to channels such as LinkedIn ads and SEO.

Using multitouch attribution models, such as InfiniGrow's full journey attribution model, the attribution credit is divided among all touchpoints that contributed to the transition. This is why you see fraction numbers in Analyze widgets.

Common Questions

Q: What is touched, and why are the numbers under the Touched metric higher than the Attributed metric?

A: There are two metrics in the Impact analysis tables - touched and attributed.

  • Attributed - Out of the total SQL transitions in the timeframe, how many new SQLs, or other funnel stages, did this channel transition during the timeframe?

  • Touched - Touched refers to the individual touchpoints in the journey. As opposed to attributed, each touchpoint counts as one full "touched point". That's why the touched column has round high numbers.

Let's use the same example of AZ Technology Inc. as before, one lead transition, and two touchpoints leading up to it - one SEO, and one LinkedIn ads.

  • The touched metric will show two touchpoints - one per channel.

  • The Attributed metric will show one attributed lead, divided between the channels.

If you use a linear attribution model this is how it will look in the impact analysis table:

Q: Why are attributed numbers fractional rather than whole numbers?

A: As mentioned above, each funnel transition is credited with one ”attribution point”. The attribution point is then divided between the channels that influenced the transition. The attribution model determines how the credit is divided between touchpoints.

  • Single-touch attribution models, such as first touch, will attribute all credit to a single touchpoint (in this example, it's the first touchpoint), which will translate to whole numbers across all impact widgets.

  • Multitouch attribution models assign credit to all touchpoints along the journey. Each model divides the credit differently, resulting in fraction numbers on the impact widgets.

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