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How to map campaigns in InfiniGrow
Dan Carmel avatar
Written by Dan Carmel
Updated over a week ago

InfiniGrow's Campaigns tab was designed to help you analyze your marketing campaigns - using the tab, you can see how different campaigns impact revenue and find optimization opportunities.

Additionally, InfiniGrow allows you to see the aggregate cost and performance of cross-channel campaigns.

  • InfiniGrow automatically unifies cross-channel campaigns – meaning, if you have a single campaign that you run across several platforms, InfiniGrow will unify costs and performance of all these campaigns into a single campaign.

  • To view campaigns separately and avoid cross-channel campaign unification, de-select the consolidation option in the three dots at the top right corner of your Analyze section.

In this article, we'll cover how to map your campaigns in InfiniGrow in two ways: Automatic Mapping and Manual Mapping.


What data does InfiniGrow collect and map?

InfiniGrow campaigns map two sets of data:

  1. Cost data - data pulled from campaign integrations (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Google), and manually entered cost data from your plan.

  2. Performance data - attribution data that comes from InfiniGrow’s script, SFDC campaigns, and CRM records.

How does InfiniGrow connect cost data to performance data?

The two sets of data are connected by matching the "utm_campaign" parameter, stripped of special characters and uppercase letters.

For example, let’s say you launch a new, cross-channel campaign on LinkedIn and Facebook. Let’s call it “Awesome Campaign”.

On LinkedIn, you’ve set up a new campaign with the following UTM:

InfiniGrow will:

  1. Map touchpoints coming from this campaign to a new campaign called “awesome campaign”.

  2. Map the same touchpoints to the LinkedIn Paid channel.

  3. Map cost data from the “Awesome Campaign” LinkedIn campaign to the InfiniGrow equivalent campaign, through the LinkedIn Ads integration.

Now, you’ve setup the Facebook part of your cross-channel campaign.

If the Facebook ads UTM contains the same campaign, it will be mapped to the same campaign above automatically.

InfiniGrow also recognizes different types and spelling.

For example, if you use "utm_campaign=Awesome+Camapign" with Capital “A” & “C”, or any other combination of lower & upper case and special characters, the campaign will still be combined with LinkedIn into a single cross-channel campaign in InfiniGrow.

The process should merge most of your cost and performance data automatically;

Note, that campaigns that could not be mapped automatically will be mapped to “{channel name} - other”.

Automatic CRM campaign performance mapping

Sometimes, campaign performance data is not captured through InfiniGrow's script and is pushed directly into your CRM, preventing the automatic connection.

For example, when running a Lead Form campaign in which the lead is captured in the ad platform and is sent directly to your CRM, without going through your website.

To make sure these campaigns are matched, you need to map campaign performance data from your CRM into InfiniGrow via “Channels Attribution Management”.

Before you map the performance data from your CRM into InfiniGrow, make sure:

  1. You know the name of the field in your CRM that contains the performance data

  2. The field is pushed into InfiniGrow. Learn how to import new fields

Note: Mapping changes will be updated after a data refresh, and not immediately once mapped.

How to map CRM campaign performance data:

  1. Go to Settings → Attribution Management.

  2. Under Channels go to the channel you would like to map.

  3. Click on the “Show Advanced Options” button.

  4. Choose the CRM campaign field from the dropdown menu

Manual campaign mapping

When you want to manually map a campaign or merge two campaigns, you can do that with manual mapping.

Option 1 - mapping through the Channels tab

  1. Go to Analyze → Campaigns, and scroll to the Impact Analysis table.

  2. Click on the name of the campaign you want to map to open the Campaign Popup.

  3. Switch to the Mapping tab.

  4. Map the cost & performance data. This mapping will determine the campaign name you will see.

    1. If you want to map the data from another campaign into this one, fill in the “FROM” part.

    2. If you want to map the data from this campaign into another one fill in the “TO” part.

Option 2 - mapping through attribution management

  1. Go to setting → attribution management.

  2. Switch to the Campaigns tab.

  3. Here you can view campaigns that haven't been merged.

    1. Campaign - name of the campaign

    2. "Count" represents the number of website visitors the campaign attracted (traffic), not leads or MQLs. Using the Count, you can estimate the campaign’s size.

  4. Choose the campaign you would like to map and click on the Merge button of the campaign you’d like to map.

  5. Map the campaign cost/data to the right place, in the same way as described above.

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